Friday, November 12, 2004


An update An Update

Where am I write Now: At home on the Computer 10:25 PM
My Mood: Ready for Bed
Weather: FROGGY (Hop Hop)

Ok first and foremost we had another ultrasound today and everything looks good so far but we haven't talked to the doctor for sure if he calls us there is a problem if not all is good.

AND.......It appears we shall continue the Lim tradition of the oldest boy having girls and the youngest boy having boys.

I have updated my website with a photo gallery of my trip to Big bend. It was really quite a cool trip. I saw my first live WILD tarantula.......(pause to change tunes need better music for my mood I think we need some ....Aaron Tippin)...... , rattlesnake, Pig (they have an better name than that but I can't think of it right now), roadrunner, and other misc Spider etc. I also saw a skunk, deer and several hundred grasshoppers. They all look the same up here except for one grasshopper. He is on the web page if you want to check him out.

Ok time to go to sleep. By the way you can't tell your wife she gets a new car and then change your mind. You have to decide and then tell her. :)

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