Wednesday, August 25, 2004


"Friends in low places live"

So that song just came on and now I am in dire need of a shot of Yukon Jack and a bottle of bud light. Anyone care to join me? Oh well O’doul’s will have to do until after work. 



Look a Hippo Baby!! Posted by Hello

Monday, August 23, 2004


Email form Work

The is a email from work to test out the blogging email option.



Friday, August 20, 2004


Well I do believe that our new guest is comfortable in his new home. :)  Posted by Hello

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Baby Stuff and my Wrist

We are about 17 weeks along.
Today the heartbeat is about 148.

On a side not I have ulnar impaction syndrome in my wrist. Basically one of the bones in my arm is longer than it should be so it compacts into my wrist bones causing my pain. not much they can do about it but now I know.

Coming Soon

Friday, August 13, 2004


Baby Stuff

Well we had the extra spendy ultrasound today. And we still don't know what the sex is. Yori is so not happy about that. Silly girls. So here are the breakdowns for this week.

So there is your weekly update.

According to our parant we are also

Friday, August 06, 2004


Political Rant

Soap box Please.

The political choices anymore are only the lesser of two evils, and its our own fault. Democrats normally the working man canidates have gone so far left they are actually aligned with you average uneducated Hollywood actor who uses the 1st amendment to do and say anything they want. The Republicans are so far left they would take evaluation out of our schools if not actually take away public education and make it a corporation that they could tax instead of pay for. Altogether they wouldn't tax it too much. I get to vote for Bush because Kerry doesn't have the resolve to get us through Iraq (notice I did not say out.) and he has decided that snowmobiles don't belong in West Yellowstone.
On the first issue I think we need to finish what we started not just leave that is our duty Kerry himself voted to go and has said he is glad Saddam in gone. This going to be a 10 plus year project. No one is leaving Iraq anytime soon. To do so would open up a vacuum that would make the Taliban look like the French army. Then there is Yellowstone. They tell us that the sleds are running rampant in the park like they are terrorizing the whole place. They are only allowed on less than 2% of the land and that is the main roads they everybody drives on all summer. Not even all the roads just the major loop road. They want to use vans with tracks attached. They forget to tell us that when you do that to a van the emission which is there main complaint are actually worse than the snowmobiles they want to ban.
Now with my vote for Bush I get to condemn the education system of this country to help out big business which will only send more jobs overseas which the unions can't seem to fathom is there own dang fault. I get to remove women's rights, but I get to keep Hollywoods clothes on.
No wonder nobody votes anymore.

Stepping down.

Thursday, August 05, 2004


I have decided to add Off Road Racing to my List.

Were shooting for a 2010 launch date. I figure we can run the stock class with a hevrolet S10 Zr2. There are plenty of parts available. The uses ones are relativly cheap and it will fit in the trailer I want to buy anyway. So Were going to start buy selling advertising on my trailer. I figure I will sale 5 year contracts to keep the buyers decal on my trailer. The more you spend the larger the decal. This trailer will be used mostly in the southwest Idaho area in places like McCall, Cascade, Boise, Idaho City, Fairfield ect. Mostly visible in Snowmobile parking lots. So if you want to advertise your snowmobile stuff. This might be a good oppurtunity. Besides I can't afford this trailer any other way.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Brighthand � Handhelds vs. Laptops -- How to Lighten Your Load in One Easy Lesson

Brighthand � Handhelds vs. Laptops -- How to Lighten Your Load in One Easy Lesson

This is an interesting artilce. And makes some good points. With a keyboard and some SD cards you can go a long way with a PDA.

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