Tuesday, November 30, 2004



Its snowing outside my office so you know I am getting tons of work done. I will have to go home and work on my sled. :) :)

Monday, November 29, 2004


Birthday Presents

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Pretty good Replication is kicking my ass. :(
Weather: Sunny and Cold (I'm Moving to Utah for the winter)
Tunes: David Alan Coe "She used to Love me a lot"

Well is snowed all day for my Birthday which was cool. Of course it was all heading south so McCall got nothing!!! But that's alright maybe I will settle down with all my snowmobile plans and get back to baby stuff but probably not for another week or so!! Were getting trees this weekend that should be grand!! Breakfast at Grandmas in Cascade!! MMMNNN Yummy!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


The Baby

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Not wanting to work
Weather: Rainy !!!!! Snow in the Mountins
Tunes: None just yet

Well on Sunday morning I finally felt the baby kick. Now not just Yori gets all the fun!!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004


See I told you so!!

Where am I write Now: Home
My Mood: Jacked
Weather: Dark outside. SNOW DAMMIT!!

Well I told you once you tell her it might be time to get a new car you can't change your mind. We are now the owners of a new to us 2004 Grand Prix GT. We got a really good deal and a great interest rate so why not.

Plus today was review day. I got a bonus and a raise. And I was having a terrible day until then. We also went on the where to go have a baby tour at the hopital. It even looks like the playstation will plug right in to the TV. Maybe I better pack a bag of essentials also but hey Jak and Dakster here we come!!

Monday, November 15, 2004


Big and Rich

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Jammin
Weather: Hot in the office, Cold and Sunny outside.
If you want a good CD to Jam to, the Big and Rich "Horse of a different color" has quite a few good ones. Its not your traditional country music CD just a good one.

Friday, November 12, 2004


Easy and tasty recipes

Easy and tasty recipes

SWEET A Blog About FOOD. Never ask whats for dinner again.

Yes I am still on My way to Bed. Still doing some twang. George Strait Remember the Alamo


An update An Update

Where am I write Now: At home on the Computer 10:25 PM
My Mood: Ready for Bed
Weather: FROGGY (Hop Hop)

Ok first and foremost we had another ultrasound today and everything looks good so far but we haven't talked to the doctor for sure if he calls us there is a problem if not all is good.

AND.......It appears we shall continue the Lim tradition of the oldest boy having girls and the youngest boy having boys.

I have updated my website with a photo gallery of my trip to Big bend. It was really quite a cool trip. I saw my first live WILD tarantula.......(pause to change tunes need better music for my mood I think we need some ....Aaron Tippin)...... , rattlesnake, Pig (they have an better name than that but I can't think of it right now), roadrunner, and other misc Spider etc. I also saw a skunk, deer and several hundred grasshoppers. They all look the same up here except for one grasshopper. He is on the web page if you want to check him out.

Ok time to go to sleep. By the way you can't tell your wife she gets a new car and then change your mind. You have to decide and then tell her. :)

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Friday, November 05, 2004


Behind schedule

It appears I am behind schedule on a lot of things including this blog. keep checking back I will get mt trip stuff up soon.

palm message

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