Wednesday, April 20, 2005


WooHoo I have free time.

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Not Bad
Weather: Rainy of all things (snowing in Twin Falls I hear.)
Tunes: None (really noisy air conditioner does that count? )

Well spring has basically sprung. Went sledding on Saturday and it was basically like riding in mashed potatoes. But at least I got to ride. Am actually still sore. Feels good. I am in the process of updating the website while Yori is out of town this week so we will se how far we get on that. :)

Has everyone gotten the new MSN Messenger 7.0? Its pretty cool.

A large contingent of us are racing in the Anthony Lakes Hillclimb Saturday. It should be a good time. Here is the webpage about it. I will try to upload pictures as soon as we get back.
I am so excited

The baby seems to have settled in nicely. She only gets us up twice a night. I am patienly waiting for the 6 hour belly to grow so that we can sleep thru most of the night. But I am sure we still have a few more months to go.

That is all for now but at least it is an update. :)

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