Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Here for people to look at.  Posted by Hello


Tuesday, June 14, 2005


The sun The Sun!! Get that boy some Oakleys quick.  Posted by Hello



Tada Everybody but Mom. Still not very happy.  Posted by Hello

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Here are the pictures of Declan I just got from Raimee. He just doesn't look so happy. I think he needs a nap.  Posted by Hello


Friday, June 10, 2005


I have another Nephew!!!

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Dandy
Weather: Pretty Nice
Tunes: Im not down "The Clash"

Well Travis and Rami had there second baby this morning. Declan Hugh Lim 3:28 AM n06/10/2005 9lbs 4 oz 22 inches long. Covered in multi colored gue. I am sure pictures will follow.

Congratulations Travis Rami and Kaden.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Miss Abriel Updates

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Not Bad
Weather: Sunny and getting warmer
Tunes: Behind Blue Eyes Limp Biskit

Well miss Abriel has learned to roll over onto her stomach. She of course cannot roll back over so after a few minutes is not happy about that at all. But hey its progress. :) She is back to playing with her tounge also. Sticks it out all the time. We have started her on solids. Bananas are good but sweet potatoes are better. Still don't have the tounge action quite figured out but she is getting there. :)

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