Thursday, February 23, 2006


ProClarity to Google Earth Tool

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Dandy
Weather: Sunny I should be snowmobiling
Tunes: W.A.S.P.
The Real Me

We got a great prototype addition to our ProClarity Spatial Viewer. We can now export the view to google earth!!!! Its actaully quite cool. Hopefully the folks and the Sun Valley Conference will think so too!!


Do you have a video demo? They packed up the Sun Valley bus without me...

Also, did you get around the RTL70.bpl error with the code samples I placed on Community?
Actually we only used part of your code. We decided the less we did to the product before demoing it for a week the better. To Bad you missed the bus it was a good conference. We are just down the street you can have a demo anytime. Although everybody wants it in the dashboard so we have to start over :(
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