Saturday, November 10, 2007



Who says swings are just for outside?

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Working hard!

Work before play! That's what they say. Shhhhh! Don't tell that I think that their work is my play!

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Where did our "little" boy go?

I eat real food-I like to sit in the inside swing (with assistance)-I can almost crawl-I like to swing with my big sister outside

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Backyard Fun!

Playing in the backyard in the Dora Ship that Grandma Anne got me last year!

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Making Cookies with Mom and Grandma Irene

So earlier in the week we sewed a couple of gingerbread man candy cane holders. They soon became the "game" of choice as Grandma Irene taught Abriel the popular phrase "you can't catch me, I am the gingerbreadman". And from then on she wanted to constantly play with the two gingerbread "guys" and chase each other. Anyway, next we went on a mission to find Abriel a story book to tell the whole story of the gingerbread man. Our plan was to read the story to her at bedtime after baking and frosting gingerbread cookies. We obviously did not remember the ending to this classic folktail. If you remember the ending to this folktail, you will understand the comment added at the end of the next set of pictures. If you (like us), did not recall the ending of this folktail, you should take a minuite to look it up on the internet and read it as you will find that is is not really appropriate for a bedtime story for your 3 year old. LOL

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And with a snip snap your ginger breadman can disapear too!

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