Monday, July 24, 2006


Never Try to do anything out of the box with Microsoft!

If you want to make money and finish your projects on time. If you havent seen it in the 21 days to ... then remove it from your requirements or double your price and timeline. I don't care if its SQL 2000, MSDE, or even a simple installer. Just don't do it!!! But that doesn't mean it can't be done!!

We are mapping in ProClarity now arent we!!! :) :)


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Diet Cherry Pepsi Rocks and Qwest Sucks

Where am I write Now: WORK
My Mood: Angery
Weather: Sunny and Hot
Tunes: Sirius Prime Country Alan Jackson : When Somebody Loves You

So I absolutly dislike Diet Pepsi but I think diet cherry pepsi is SOOO much better.

Qwest sucks rocks. Basically to get an extra ip I have to take down the whole office network and give them all new IPs so there in a block together. Ya were going to all that much trouble. NOT


Monday, March 06, 2006


Database Schema gone Wrong!!


This is how database schemas go wrong. Thru the Firewall, Thru the VPN, Into Viso and Into the database itself. ;) Posted by Picasa


Thursday, February 23, 2006


ProClarity to Google Earth Tool

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Dandy
Weather: Sunny I should be snowmobiling
Tunes: W.A.S.P.
The Real Me

We got a great prototype addition to our ProClarity Spatial Viewer. We can now export the view to google earth!!!! Its actaully quite cool. Hopefully the folks and the Sun Valley Conference will think so too!!


Thursday, December 22, 2005


New Client Called Today and Signed on!!

Where am I write Now: Work (hence Client stuff)
My Mood: Caffinated, Chocolated and then beered.
Weather: Rainy (Wish it was colder)
Tunes: Sirius Octane!! Smashing Punkings Today

So I recieved a call from a client this morning about are custom map viewer and they wanted a demo right away. They loved it and signed on!! How sweet and quick is that!! They are a company that delivers a ready to go BI solution and want another tool for their kit. They also have a client who may want a custom solution. Even better!!! So now I am going to take off 5 days for snowmobiling and christmas!! So Far so good. Hopefully Yori will have a better day and we will have a great vacation


Thursday, September 29, 2005


Issue Tracking Software.

Where am I write Now: Work
My Mood: Behind!!
Weather: Sunny and Fall Like
Tunes: Raw Dog on Sirius

So we have been using a product called ontime for the last year or so. It works dandy. Everybody can see there assigned tasks, bugs in the software or features that need to be added. I have even been using it to manage my GIS projects. We even use it to log our Tech support calls. I have a single user license for home. They are offering to upgrade it to a two user licence for free. I will add Yori to it and she can see if it helps her get her IT stuff organized. Then stinker can buy a license. :) All I have to do is blog about it. I think I even blogged about it once already. But again never hurts. It really is that good. Of course just like any software or PDA you do have to turn it on everyday.



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